Q1 Finance Report

Transparency. That’s a word we have heard a lot from our churches. Toward that end, we are adopting a policy of providing a financial report every quarter. After all, as a stakeholder in the life of the CVBA, you deserve clarity. All we ask for in return is a growing conviction to your part to make the CVBA all it can be.

Income Q1

Budget: $25296 Actual: $16494 Defecit: -$8801

Expenses Q1

Budget: $42,212 Actual: $29910 Difference: -$12,301. Through cost reduction measures the association has reduced expenses by 25%

Total Income vs Expense Comparison

Income: $16494 Expenses: $29910 Difference: $13416


The association has been in a deficit spending pattern for years. This is made possible by sizable financial reserves but living on reserves is like living off savings. Eventually, it’ll be depleted and this is a recipe for poor stewardship. Led by Scott Bird, the association is pursuing an aggressive cost-cutting plan. But cost-cutting alone won’t get us into the black, we need to raise revenue as well.

The good news is that together, we have the ability to stop this and reverse this trend! 42/50/52…these are the combination numbers that unlock financial viability for our association. 42 churches giving an average of $50 each, per week, over 52 weeks in a year, equals financial success! An investment with this low of a threshold for the benefits your church can receive makes this a no-brainer.

Why should this matter to you? A healthy association depends on adequate resources to fund the collaborative ministry for which the association exists. What are the ministries of our association? First, we provide resources for small churches seeking to revitalize their ministries through a mixture of financial resources that includes grants and/or loans. We also connect churches with resources available at the state convention level. Second, the association provides fellowship and encouragement to Pastors and their families. Healthy Pastors are in a position to lead healthy churches. Third, we provide resources to requesting churches that range from legal counsel to practical ministry aids such as mailers or the block party trailer. This is what is accomplished with your church’s money. If revitalizing churches, encouraging pastors, and resourcing ministries are important to you, then giving support should be a priority for your church.

Still not convinced? Here are some more benefits available to you in your association with the CVBA: marriage, ministry, crisis counseling; graphic design for website and promotional material, pulpit supply, children’s and youth camp, church planting and pastor training, annual conferences, event planning and resources, block party trailer, ongoing training and education, like-minded community, encouragement, edification, and equipping.

Questions, Comments, Want to Give?

Use the form below to communicate with us. We’d love to answer your questions and respond to your concerns. Also if you feel moved to give let us know and we will guide you through the process.


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California SBC Status Report