California SBC Status Report


DOM’s from all across California gathered on May 29-30 for two days of strengthening relationships and getting an update on the state of the California Southern Baptist Convention.

We are in an exciting and challenging time of transition as Southern Baptists. There are many headwinds that are facing us from controversy in the National Convention to declining attendance and revenue in a majority of churches. The weather as it were, requires a change in tack in order to respond to headwinds, and an adjustment to our course in order to prevail through these turbulent times. This is what I’m happy to report, is happening at the California Southern Baptist Convention.

During the DOM retreat, Dr. Agee gave a presentation on the changes that he has been leading at the state convention. He and his team reported reducing expenses by $1.5 million last year out of a $6 million dollar budget, allowing the State Convention to operate in the black for the first time in at least 15 years. Staff reductions saw 50% of the convention staff leave or retire. While some might look at this and conclude its evidence of a downward spiral, nothing could be further from the truth. This is a process of getting lean and mean, in order to face the challenges of ministry in a post-Christian America, and specifically in a state that now looks more like Corinth and Collasse.

As evidence that these changes are taking out State Convention in the right direction, the board of directors as well as Dr. Agee communicated that associations are the backbone of the work in California. Across the west, associational life has collapsed in most states east of the Rockies. California is an exceptional exception to that rule, where associations cover the geographical boundaries of the entire state! The State Convention reiterated its commitment to associational life and ministry directors presented how their officers are now aligned to serve associations and their churches. The proof is in the pudding though, and it’s there for all of us to celebrate. In 2020 during COVID19, the CSBC was instrumental in planting 70 churches, through associations, and with the help of parent churches! The next closes state planted 19 churches in the same time period.

But What About…

Complaining about the convention is almost a California Southern Baptist tradition! That’s not to say there have never been legitimate reasons to voice concern or opposition to the actions of the convention in the past. But the reality is those things happened in the past, continued grousing about them will produce no change except to further embitter the hearts of those who complain. What’s happening today is what matters most, and what’s happening is worthy of our prayer, support, and commendation.

And a word about Jenness Park. While in Fresno I was able to talk with convention leadership about the process that was used to sell Jenness Park as well as to address some perspectives held about our response to the selling of the camp. In short, while our association has the option of first purchase, operating a camp would have placed untenable financial strain on our association as we would have assumed total financial liability for the operation of Jenness Park. With the camping economy set to remain depressed for the foreseeable future, owning Jenness was never a viable option for us. Toward that end, God worked all things together for good; the bay area church that purchased Jenness has been able to contribute well over a million dollars to the sorely needed renovation of the camp ensuring its usefulness for years to come. Last, the camp, while owned by a church, is still available for use by other churches. We look forward to seeing how future generations of campers will be impacted by the continued ministry of Jenness Park.


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