What You Need to Know About the Equality Act So That You Can Pray With Power and Precision

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The Equality Act will extend federal protections to members of the LGBQT+ community. This will dramatically impact and Christian institution that receives money from the federal government. Scholars have said that should the Equality Act pass the Senate as it is expected to do, this first liberty to be directly suppressed will be the most precious liberty in the American experiment, religious liberty. We don’t want to respond by getting angry or by hardening our hearts. After all, if you read the Bible there shouldn’t be any surprise that this is the way our nation is going. Rather than responding in the flesh, we want you to respond in the Spirit by praying to God that this act will not be passed.

President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Albert Mohler has produced some wonderful analysis of the implications of the Equality Act.

-The Equality Act and the Rise of the Anti-Theological State - by Al Mohler

- The Briefing: February 22, 2021 - by Al Mohler

-Heritage Foundation Explainer: The Equality Act


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