Church Information

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Healthy things grow and growth entails change. Here are some of the changes happening with churches in our association

First, Big Oak Flat has called one of it’s own to be it’s next Pastor! This is exciting because that’s a mark of a healthy church that has a culture of replicating leaders. Pastor Luis Aleccio has spent nearly two decades as a servant at Big Oak Flat. He was mentored by the former pastor, called by the present deacons, and recently sat down with the Association Ordination Counsel for a grueling two hour interview.

Second, Orangeburg Avenue Baptist Church in Modesto bid adieu to their long time Pastor, Stuart McNarry who retired after many wonderful years of faithful ministry. Pick up the baton and running the race moving forward is Brad Swartz. Raise in England until the age of 14 by missionary parents, Brad will tell you he’s the least likely candidate to be a Baptist Pastor, that is until graduating from Southern Seminary and falling in love with the doctrines that define the faith. Pray for Brad as he not only has to pastor a church, but he also has to get to know everyone even though half their faces are hidden behind masks! If you haven’t yet reach out to welcome him to our association will take a moment to email him at

Third, Don Hutchins of Baptist Temple in Modesto announced his retirement a month ago. A week from this Sunday will be his last sermon in a church he has served for the last 3 years. Pray for Baptist Temple as they contemplate a merger with Anchored Bible Church Modesto.

Last, Monte Houston at Village Christian Fellowship in Empire has a big heart for the community and leading his church to reach out and invite people to fellowship with them. In partnership with the association, over 500 handout cards have been designed and printed for their use at no cost to the church.

As a reminder your association stands with you every step of the way. Whether it’s helping you identify and raise up future leaders, help you transition well when it’s time to move into the next chapter of your life, or resource you with tools for ministry, we are your partner in ministry.




Q1 Finance Report