First you need to know that this mid-annual meeting will be unlike any mid-annual meeting you have experienced. Taking place over two days, the first day May 21st will include a fellowship meal, worship, and a message by our new DOM on the future of the Central Valley Baptist Association. The second day is exclusively devoted to bringing our pastors together to discuss the strengths, liabilities, and opportunities of our association and then charting a unified vision for a relaunch of the next generation of the CVBA. Here’s how you can begin planning now for the meeting.

1) Pray - our DOM and executive board along with the committee heads and participants need your prayer. It’s hard to hate something you are praying for and it’s easy to fall in love when you see God answering your prayers. Your prayers for the association will not only call down blessings for it, but for your self as well. So be praying. Imagine what we could do together if we actually prayed and God showed up with answers that were beyond whatever we could even think or imagine.

2) Participate - do you have a gift of hospitality? Do you find joy in waiting on tables and serving the body of Christ? We’d like you to volunteer to serve at the mid-annual meeting.

3) Provide - if you provide them we’ll answer them! Questions that is. The goal of the mid-annual meeting to bring as much clarity as possible to reason for our association, it’s activities, and benefits. We also recognize that like any organization, it can be improved and worked on. Help build something great by providing a humble heart, clear questions, and a spirit to serve.


Baptist Faith and Message: The Scriptures
