Use this form to apply for a grant. Fill the form in its entirety paying special attention to describing the scope of the project, the intended benefit that will be created, and how the proposal will advance evangelism and discipleship in your community. After you submit your application, the grant will be reviewed by the board. We may schedule a follow up interview and then vote on granting your request.

Your church will be required to receive the approved funds, use them exclusively on the approved proposed project and record the outcome, benefit, of the project. The church shall keep financial records including invoices, receipts, contracts, or other supporting documents. These shall be furnished to the CVBA upon request.

After your project is completed, your Church will need to submit an “after action report” explaining if the goals were met? If not, why? And any lessons learned from the experience.

Grants are limited to a total of $5000 per request, up to $15,000 in total for the year. Exceptions to this limit may be considered by the board on a case by case basis. Funds granted may only be used for the purpose for which they were granted. Unused funds must be returned to the CVBA.

IF we deny your grant you are invited to make an appeal. You can make a written appeal to the CVBA executive committee. They will work with you to establish an understanding for the reasons behind declining the request and work to correct any misunderstandings. The decision of the executive committee shall be regarded as final.